Monday, June 19, 2006

Numero Uno

So they first day of employment hath begun and The Steve has finally arrived. He has also forgotten to bring with him the Sudocrem - a big no no. Got some picatures back from the Great Chrome and Tinfoil display of 2006, with some nice looking carbon guzzlers. More please-ed with the sly shots of random greasy moustachioed spanner monkey on the streets though. All will be revealed in due course.

Just couldn't let this one go. Had to snap it. Had to. Loadsa great more wierdos to come once I minimise them etc. oink (and more geek noises).

Ok one more cruel one. This kinda reminds me of a Fatboy Slim album cover, if anyone can cast their minds back to the late 90's, Baby.

If anyones not that fond of My Dry Wry street pictographs, here's a typical car show chrome special. Not much fun though. More boring fancy schmantzy pics are at POC on the side column.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Haaappy Faathez daay!

Haappy Fathe's Day, Paw!
Good day so far, spent a number of hours lookin' at classic cars at the annual Cape Cod Fathers Day Classic CarRally. Some real beauts there. Will post pics during the week once I've developed and scanned them (how 90's, I know. But like, whatever).

Two old timers eating sunny side overs at the Egg and I diner earlier:
".....Ya know they got a real big city problem down there. I mean like pulling the ears off a panda bears and that. Ya its real trouble. ...."

I have since decided to stop dropping in and out of conversations in this town.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dunkin', morbidly obese and happy

"And that there was an interesting take on the tune Getting Hit With The Lickin' Stick which of course brings back memories of fathers for a lot of listeners out there..." - Line from the presenter of the Father's Day Show on the local Cape Cod radio channel. Life is good.

I'm here just one day and I have come to a number of sound but striking conclusions. Primarily this: I think, revise and summise my thoughts, then speak. In that order. Here however, folk just talk. No other steps involved.

An example - as I lay on a rather crowded plot of sand at Craigsville beach I was subject to three different shouting sessions (considered as conversations) which went along these lines:


(Bahstan accent).

- So then I checked my bill and it came to like 68 dallahs which I thaat was a little bit interesting cause I wasn't like expectin that. So I checked it up. Tuns out the netwuhk company chaa'ged like 48 bucks for they'uh fee.

- So that was like the Italian company chaa'gin you fuh like roamin chaa'ges?

- No I checked. It was thephon company hea'h.

- And what about in like Italy? Wuh'int you in Italy?

- Yeah that's whea I wus, Italy, but I wus like...


(Sophomore college kids, middle income, not too badly off)

- Ya know, we should like try it in the pool sometime.

- In the poooil?

- Yea. In the pool.

- Naw. Water is like bad.

- What?

- Water is like bad for you. The water is like you know thinner and uh you know it kind of flows easy and you know does all sorts a stuff and....


(NY accent, hard case, trying to impress the middle class "ladies" he's with.

- Yea, everybody tinks dat Greece is so fuckin great when day get ova thea'h. But you know its not you know? I mean when you get into a like cab and they's like speaking all local to you an you tink like aint dat nice an all but really they'uh like saying hey you fuckin stoopid toorists why doncha get outta my country ya know? Like fuck. Ya know I was ovuh thea and we wus walking by these nice cliffs like these really nice cliffs and we was jus walkin an they wes really high so we walked back from em and we like walked past like someoned yahd cos of it and then they was these like two kids shouting "Hey you fuckin Americans you stoopid fuckin Americans get out of owa country" Like ya know? An then the like granma of the kids says like "hey is alright they'uh my friends dont shout" and I was like can you believe it? What da fuck? Im not you'uh fuckin friend. You'uh telling me to get the fuck out now you'uh my fuckin friend? No fuckin way...


- So then my other company was like chaaa'gin like 7 dallahs a day. Which when I added it up was a lot cheepuh then. I think.

- But weren't you like payin like 28 bucks fuh line rental? Or wus that with da Italian company?

- Hey maybe you'uh right. If I add that ahn it's like a little mo'uh expensive. But that cost wan't with the Italian company an'.....


- Hey I got like a cahndam stuck inside me once.

- You got a whut!

- Yeah I gat I cahndam stuck inside me once for like a while.

- Like fo how long?

- Like for a whole day.

- Wow (laughs) really? A whole day.

- Yea it wus pretty weird. An like (laughs) Stacey said she'd like go in an get it out fuh me!

- She wut!

_ Yeah!

- Huh! No that a good friend. You got a good friend right there!

-Yeah! Huh?

- Yeah. Thats a real good friend.

- Ya a know. Stacey's like....a real good friend. Ya know!

- Ya.

.....- And then like Lucy was there an she was like "hey I'll pick you up an shake it out" an

- She'd wut! Shed like pick you up!

- well Lucys like a big girl ya know. So she pickt me up an she she started like shakin me an..

- (laughs)

- an then like Marsha walks in an she like sees Lucy like swinging me around sayin "hey, come ahn out! Come ahn you cahndam!" An Marsha is like soo what goiun ahn?


- an Lucy's like swingin me round and saying like "spread those legs girl, Come ahn, spread um" an I laughin so hard..

- Are you naked

- No...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prep O' Clock

So it's a weekish days until Capt Mr Padhraic departs for the Land of the Free, thus preparation is in full swing. I've been eating molasses flavored waffles for a week now, supplemented with "hog and coffee" flavored coffee. All's well: my diet is on track and I've started brushing up on my grammar and East Coast colloquilisms. Step one is spelling and since Monday I've taken to randomly dropping the letter u from overly complicated words (example - see "flavoured" in 1st passage).

The Steve (The SODster) and I had a brief review meeting in the Ballsbridge Jury's last week (weak frapp's, slow wireless bb and no Economist) to catch up on project progress. Though The SOD had another meeting that afternoon in South (greater London) we decided to shop for appropriate outfits for the proposed expidition.

The High Street stores revealed literally nothing, so a quick dip into Michael Guiney's yielded, as always, the most stylish results.

This here's me (above), complete with €7.99 Wrangler jeans, a Michael Guiney's must.

Now that's Sodster , not looking quite so hot since he chopped the mop. Note his hilarious yet stylish belt buckle, which quotes from the Qur'an "...(a) stitch in time saves a few more later on!". Quite apt for a belt buckle. This one should be a real hoot with the immigration officials! Oh that Steve......